Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy Day

I have quite a few reasons to be happy today:

1. Everyone woke up healthy this morning. Let's hope it stays that way!!

2. The sun is shining! We haven't seen the sun much in recent months.

3. Our new kitty is finally coming out of his shell. He let Todd and I pet him for a long time last night, I even snuck in some kisses. To make my night complete, he came in and slept with us, cuddled up by my legs. I was in heaven. This morning he let Drew pet him a couple of times.

4. I got my brand new Creating Keepsakes magazine in the mail today. I'm going to dive into it while Aiden is napping.


CFC Flames '04 said...

Yeah! Hope everyone stays healthy now. :) Enjoy your magazine - you earned it!!!!

dianna said...

Thank GOD*!*

I know how hard it is on you when the kids are sick Kel. Glad you are able to smile today!

Love Ya :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have had such a positive day. Your family has dealt with so much illness in the past months, it's time to get healthy. I am glad to hear Grayson is making himself part of the family. Gizmo 'withholds favors' for a few weeks every time Eric leaves home after a visit. I'm sure your kitty will be a snuggler before you know it.

Amy said...

OH I'm so glad there's no more vomit...:-)..and the sun..we didn't get any down here!

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...


Kellan said...

Oh, I'm glad to hear you had such a good day - hope that today is great for you too! See you soon. Kellan

OHmommy said...

YEAH! Everyone is healthy. See... all you needed was some sun therapy.

Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr Golden sun....


Kat said...

Yeah for health and sunshine! So glad things are looking up!