Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm Not THAT Old

Over the weekend I was cleaning off a bookshelf and started looking through my high school yearbook. I was showing Drew all of the people in my yearbook that are parents of kids in his class. He asked to see my picture and I said sure. When I pointed it out to him he started laughing. Feeling a little offended I said, "My picture isn't THAT bad, is it??" Drew said, "No, it's just that they are all in black and white." I informed him that we DID have color film in 1988 and that the yearbooks were just done in black and white. Sheesh!


Mom said...

There will many many of these "How old are you" moments when you talk with your kids (and later grandkids).....sorry Kelly. Pull out those 45s and lps and see how Drew laughs.....

Cindy said...

It seems our kids always find the way to make us feel old when we know in our brains we are still 25! And black and white photos are 'back' in style anyway. Have Drew check out some of those 80's that is good for a laugh...or you can show him my family's neon phase...hilarious

JeffBoz said...
