Ever since Grayson died in October, the boys have been begging for another cat. I love cats, would have 10 if I could, but after the financial and emotional strain of Grayson's health and then passing, I was scared to do it again. I just wasn't ready. Grayson and Jack were best buds, I was also worried we couldn't find a cat that would have that same relationship with Jack. Plus, things were going so well with Jack, I didn't want to jeopardize anything with him. But you could tell he missed having another cat around.
Then my husband started saying we really needed another cat for Jack. For HIM to say that, well, I wondered if maybe it wasn't time to start. The boys of course, are like their momma. We go to the Humane Society and fall in love with every homeless cat we see. They just want a cat. Me, the committment-phobe, is scared to pick just one. I need to find the one that has the best personality to fit with life with 3 boys and one very large black cat. How do I do that?? I hemmed and hawed for weeks. Then of course I thought the timing was all wrong, I was started a new job, school and sports were starting back up, Todd was going back to school, bringing a new cat in seemed crazy. Well, we are a little crazy and you can never pick that "perfect" time for something like this and sometimes these little furry creatures find you. We were at Petco and the Humane Society always keeps a few cats over there for people to adopt. We actually went to see another one but wasn't sure about his personality. This little girl below was in a cage off to the side, I might have left if Noah hadn't pointed her out. We got to get her out and she loved and snuggled with me, Noah and Aiden. She was a doll. We went back again the next day. Still loved her. We went back to the Humane Society and no one else seemed to "fit" just right even though we gushed over them all. Something was just right about her. Her name was Tova......we went to adopt her. All through this, I'm thinking "this is crazy, this is crazy".
We brought her home and to say Jack was pissed was an understatement. I have never heard such screeches, hisses, and moans to come out of his mouth. But we gave him time and only introduced them for bits and pieces here and there. Within 2 days they could be around each other full time. I was amazed at how quickly it happened. We've had her for a week and a half now and they play, chase each other, sometimes sleep together. She is just the sweetest, loviest little girl and has been good with all of us. Anyone that has been to our house knows how affectionate Jack is. You will get cuddles whether you like it or not. Now we are lucky to have 2 cats that love to snuggle, love the affection of our family, and give it back in return. Now we can only hope and pray that we continue to have 2 healthy cats.

Yes, I had to get her a girly collar. I don't get to buy girly things much so even a cat collar got me excited. Sad, huh?? :) It only took our family 3 full days to agree on a name for her, that was sad. LOL It's hard to tell in the pictures, but she has a lot of brown mixed in with her black, gray and white. She has such beautiful colors and markings. I love her white stomach and paws too. She's a beautiful kitty.