Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This And That

The end of the school year is always a hectic time so blogging had been put on the backburner. I have so many pictures to share from various things though so bear with me, this may be a long post! :)

Today was Aiden's last day of school and for the last hour of the day, the parents were invited in for snack time. We were also surprised with a little "show" from the kiddos singing and dancing to a few of their favorite songs. It was so cute. 2 of the kids were missing today so it was a small group. This was a song about a butterfly.

This picture just cracks me up. The expression on Aiden's face makes me laugh and I love how MJ is midair. One year of preschool over, one more to go. My baby is growing up. He has his first school picnic tomorrow and is excited to have me there all morning with him as well as getting to see his big brothers there.

Aiden and I were looking at pictures of him when he was a baby and he was asking me various questions as we went along. Out of the blue he asks, "What did I eat as a baby?" I told him he drank mommy milk. He then asked where the mommy milk came from and I told him. He started laughing hysterically and said "Ohhhh, Mom, that's gross!" You weren't saying that 4 years ago kiddo! Not even a minute later he's asking if you can have some now. Uh, not gonna happen buddy.


Me and some of my girlfriends out on a Saturday night a few weeks ago. We hit The Blind Pig and then karaoke at State Street Bar and Grill. A good night.
A few weeks ago we competed in the Bridge The Gap race. Todd ran a half marathon, Drew ran a 5k, and Noah and I walked a 5k.
Here's Todd with his medal wearing boys! Jackie Joyner Kersee was there to hand out the medals at the finish line. It was so neat to have an Olympic medalist put a medal on little ole me. This picture would be really good......if it wasn't all blurred. Autofocus, you let me down.
The cousins after they all finished their various races. These photos speak a lie also. It may look sunny and nice but it was cold and windy and was overcast all morning until this point. Brrrrr!! The wind on the bridges is even worse.

Me and my Noah after we crossed the finish line.
A few days after Noah's first communion, the whole school had mass at St Anthony's and the 2nd graders did the mass and got to wear their 1st Communion clothes again and have their 1st Communion for the 2nd time. I got a few different pictures.

Noah and his teacher, Mrs Lammers
The 3 Beautiful Girls, they look so angelic even though they have to deal with 8 boys everyday.
The Dudes

Love this picture.

Noah reading at the beginning of Mass.
They sang a song at the end of mass that is so beautiful. If I can figure out how to take it off of the camcorder, I will post it. It was so good and made me cry both times I heard them sing it. They had the hand motions to go with it.
Another post to come on Saturday!! I might just get caught up on my pictures yet!


Aunt Cindy said...

nice 'catching up' on your busy month....Love the mommy milk story!

Mom said...

Love all the little bits of all the fun activities-those kayaks were so great today

dianna said...

I STILL can't believe it's the end of the year!!! Where does time go?

Aiden's question is KILLING me! You know they repeat things to their friends...I always wonder how THEY will tell the story!

Such a hectic, exciting time...lots going on and lots of pictures. LOVE seeing them!!!

First Communion Medals said...

I was really impressed that you can still handle yourself with having three boys. Wish I had a boy too.