I know, it's crazy right?? I never thought it would happen to us. Drew REALLY wanted it, how could I say no??
Welcome to the world Phineas and Ferb, Drew's new gerbils. (I didn't even notice Noah in the background when I took the picture.)

They are absolutely adorable and I think it's safe to say all 5 of us are having a blast with them. They are so funny to watch. We were so proud of Drew, he spent the last few weeks doing a lot of research on a pet, talked with the pet store people, and decided gerbils were the way to go. He used his money to buy all of the supplies and didn't have quite enough for the gerbils yet, so he worked it off around the house. He was so grown up about it all, I know he will take good care of them. They moved into what used to be the turtle tank (Katie now has the turtle in her classroom for all of her students to enjoy). One is a light tan and the other is white and tan.

Grayson has even befriended them. I have to explain the story behind these two pictures.....it is so hilarious. My cat is too smart, I swear. Todd had walked into Drew's room and Grayson was laying on TOP of the lid and where there is a small opening up there, had his two front paws shoved down inside of it, just sitting there. In the 10 seconds it took Todd to run and get the camera, Grayson climbed down and was laying NEXT to the tank. The hilarious thing was he would NOT look at Todd for anything, just playing innocent. In this picture I swear he's saying "I don't know what you're talking about."

So then he turns around and lays the other way and still won't look directly at Todd. But if you look at his eyes in this picture, you can tell he's looking at him out of the corner of his eye, but he won't turn his head! Little stinker.

And yes, Noah is still going to get a kitty for his birthday and Aiden is getting an African Tree Frog. Welcome to the Klauser Zoo.
***Noah made a comment yesterday about Gerbil babies and I panicked.....we didn't think to ask the pet store if they were males or females. Ooops, I hope my boys don't get a lesson on reproduction!!
Holy moly!
Did you make room for the bear too...or are you saying "I'm done." ?
My kids would love to have more pets in the house. Unfortunately, we can't indulge them at this moment. We aren't home enough and poor Sadie is already getting less attention during our soccer season. My kids would be so jealous about all your little critters. Enjoy your zoo.
Oh my god, I am so jealous. Alex won't let me get gerbils. And I so wish you'd gotten a photo of the cat on top of the cafe. Hysterical! Have fun with them! (And my fingers are crossed for no gerbil babies!
I love that you are open to your variety of pets...we had them all as kids and each was a fun experience. Our Boys had the best hampster in the world for 2 long years until he got big enough to escape captivity on his own and Merlin finally got to PLAY with him! The pictures of Grayson's "look" remind me A LOT of Merlin, who also loved to just lay on top of the cage....Tell Drew to have fun with Phineas and Ferb!!!
BTW...the guy at the pet shop told us we had 2 boy gerbils when we were all still living at Mom and Dad's. 42 pink little jelly bean babies later, I'm thinking he was wrong.
Gross Dianna! I'm going to have nightmares of little gerbil babies overtaking my house!!
On second thought.....Christmas gifts!!! LOL
Reminds me of our house only we have dogs :)
Please do not send any Christmas "gifts" Haileys way!
I'm not a gerbil fan but Phineas & Ferb are cute & I know the boys will love having them...and the rest of the "zoo". My kids better not get any ideas:) A dog & some fish are enough for us right now.
How awesome for Drew and all of you! Pets are the best for kids...for them to appreciate all that is involved in taking care of them. It is great to show love to all of God's little creatures too. Have fun with them!
p.s.LOVE the pictures of Grayson! Too funny. ;-)
That is awesome! I love a house full of animals. I grew up with just about every animal imaginable. So fun. :)
I love the pictures-and hope Grayson continues to "look and not touch". Hello to the newest Klausers....
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