Sea World was amazing!! I had always wanted to go there and I'm so glad we had the chance. I knew the boys would love it too with their love of animals and sea life. The Shamu show was spectacular. I could have easily sat through it a couple of more times. Those whales were so graceful and beautiful. I just wanted to give them a hug and jump in the water with them.

There were so many cool aquariums to walk through. This tunnel was really neat. You stood on a moving floor that took you through and you could watch everything swimming around you.

There was a hollow tube inside one of the aquariums that you could stick your head up into. The kids had a blast with that. You should have seen all of their faces when they first poked their heads up.

Seeing the dolphins, sharks, penguins and stingrays were neat too. We got to pet the stingrays and there was a place to pet the dolphins too. I was so excited about that but getting them to swim up to you to pet them is a whole other story. We came close those though. Then we went down below where we could watch them swimming from underneath.

The stingrays swimming right over our heads.

A Sea Dragon. Creepy little creatures yet utterly fascinating.

One of my favorites....I love Sea Horses.

Of course Sea World had some great rides too. Drew and Todd rode Kracken and Manta which were the craziest roller coasters I had seen in awhile. They loved them. I know I would have too if I could have ridden them without getting sick. There was a lot for the little kiddos too. This is the little whale roller coaster. Nate didn't end up having a kid to ride with so he sat in front by himself. I was cracking up.

We finished off the night that night with a fireworks display that went right along with their lighted fountain show. It was gorgeous!! Ask Beth and I about our first whale sighting of the day. It's a pretty good story~
I used to love Sea World when they had one in Ohio. A great place to spend the entire day.
I am so glad we chose a day here-less hectic and the aquariums were amazing. It had a little of everything to enjoy-and the firework/fountain display was that whale sighting as we walked in-a whole different story......
Love your pictures, Kelly! Beautiful!
Wow.... my kids would LOVE that place. So So cool!
I wanna go toooooooo!!!!LOL!Great captures you got there.
We so can see that they had a blast!
Well done!
Looks like you guys had an awesome vacation! Great Pics!!
A really great blog. Seaworld is an excellent place to visit. Very nice photo's. All the best.
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