Too much to blog about, too little time. We had a great time with Dianna and her family and I have a million pictures from their visit to post but I still have Six Flags to do also. And of course we leave in 2 days for Disney and I work all day tomorrow and play volleyball so today is laundry and packing day. Here I sit on the computer, makes sense right?? I'll post as much as I can. I will be without internet most of vacation ( I feel withdrawal already setting in) so I'll miss my bloggy world and Facebook.
Six Flags was a blast and the kids loved it. They are adrenaline junkies that's for sure. Noah surprised me as he is the only timid one but he rode every roller coaster he could! Even Aiden rode the Mine Train which amazed me.
Aiden and I posing.

The whole family on the train. It's hard to see everybody back there but we're all there!

Aiden won a Batman cape and thought that was so cool.

This is a funny story. We had a suite so Todd and I had our own room and there were two double beds in the other. It started out with Drew in one bed and Noah and Aiden in the other. Aiden kept goofing around and bugging Noah so Noah got moved to Drew's bed and Aiden had to sleep alone. It was quiet after that. When I went in to check on them before bed, I found all 3 of them asleep in bed. When I asked them about it the next day, they said that Aiden had asked to climb in bed with them and they didn't want him to get in trouble so they let him and told him to be quiet and go to sleep. I thought this was sweet as they usually love an opportunity to get one of the other brothers in trouble. How sweet is this picture???

I posted pics of Scooby and Aiden and Noah earlier but found the one with Shaggy too. Aiden still can't get over that they are really real! :)

The kiddie version of Tower of Terror. LOL (Noah and Aiden are the two on the far right) Drew and Noah said they will ride it at Disney.

I don't like ANY ride that spins so you can only imagine how proud of myself I was to let Aiden and Noah go on this ride.
We finished the second night off with their light parade after dark. It was so amazing and I loved watching the awe on Aiden's face.
"You mean Batman is real too???"
Fun trip. I wish I had pictures from the water park but didn't want to take my camera in there! They had some awesome water rides too that we all enjoyed.
I love that one of the boys together in bed....hope they sleep that good in Orlando! I am SURE they will ALL do the Tower of Terror>>>>>>
The picture of the boys crashed on the bed is so cute, and I love how you made it your blog banner.
Aiden IS cool in his Batman cape, and the "3 boys in a bed" picture is a truly priceless gem... A suite huh? sounds like the way to travel to me. Glad you had such a good time and Aiden got to see all the REAL characters of his childhood...Disney is going to be a blast.
Six Flags has come a long way... It is so close, we need to get down there before the summer is gone!
I too love the picture of the 3 boys asleep in the same bed... absolutely priceless!
Have fun in Florida! ;-)
This is a great site you have here. I have a humor blog myself and I would like to exchange links with you. You can contact me through either email or a comment placed on my site. Let me know if this is possible. Jason
That looks like an absolute blast! I just love Six Flags. I can't wait until the kids are a little older so we can take them.
That pic of all three boys in the bed is just the sweetest thing ever!!!! I love it. :)
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